Catholic Girls

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1979: Very interesting, this. On the second to last day of the tour—3/31—this song pops up in the middle of an "Easy Meat" guitar solo. Already wailing away in quite a frenzy, Frank starts playing some very charged chords, with the entire band falling in quickly behind him. Before you realize what's happening, the band is tearing through an instrumental version of "Catholic Girls", in a very guitar-tinged arrangement. They proceed this way through the first two "verses", when it seems as if the entire song simply starts over. Hey, it does start over again—this time with Ike singing the vocals we know and love. They proceed once again through these two verses, and then—where we would normally have that killer instrumental section—we have a new, rave-up ending, similar to the one found on the OSFA version of "Andy". Warren tears up his fretboard while Ike keeps yelling, "dominus obiscum, dominus obiscum" over and over. Then, just as abruptly as it started, "Catholic Girls '79" ends and we find ourselves back at the beginning of "Easy Meat", only its actually the end and all we have left are the closing vocals. This is not quite the production we would get on "Joe's Garage", but this tune—in this context—really is a must hear for all you die-hards.

1988: Essentially performed as on YCDTOSA Volume VI, with the standard deviation coming in the brief horn solos during the middle part. During rehearsals, this song was envisioned as a companion piece to "T'Mershi Duween", with TD coming in the middle part of "Catholic Girls". Hence, during the MAJNH version of "T'Mershi Duween", Ike utters the line "I am such a good boy," referring back to this song. Sadly, this pairing never appears in concert.


Conceptual Continuity


Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2022-07-21