Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1972: As it appears here, this song more closely resembles a jazz composition than the FZ monster that would later appear. The main theme is played once through, though a lot less staccato, and with a much busier feel to it. Some additinal horn parts are played after this opening, which build up speed and lead us into a very hyper jam centered around a feedback laden FZ solo. The drummer gets a short moment in the spotlight next, before the tune is concluded as on "Roxy and Elsewhere". While this is not the same beast that we know and love from the '73 and '74 tours, it is nonetheless an interesting version. The overarranged horn parts in the beginning give the music quite a different feel, and Frank's guitar solo is typically one of the more aggressive of each show.

1973 (Feb-Jul): This tune appears here as it did on the Petit Wazoo tour of late '72, more closely resembling a jazz composition than the FZ monster that would appear on later tours. The main theme is played once through, though a lot less staccato, and with a much busier feel to it. Some additional horn parts are played after this opening, which build up speed and lead us into a very hyper, extended instrumental foray. Practically everyone gets a chance to solo here, with Frank concluding the improvisations before turning things over to the drummer, who takes a lengthy solo. The tune is then concluded as on "Roxy and Elsewhere", with the composed outro-section. While this is not the same beast that we know and love from the late '73 and '74 tours, it is nonetheless an interesting version. The overarranged horn parts in the beginning give the music quite a different feel, and the solos are typically some of the more interesting of the particular show.

1973 (Aug-Sep): After hanging around setlists for two tours with a more "jazzed up" appearance, this instrumental powerhouse finally makes its transformation into the classic we know and love. It is essentially performed as on "Roxy and Elsewhere", allowing for obvious differences in instrumentation, and with the standard deviation coming in the solos. Ponty typically takes the first solo, while Fowler and occasionally Duke (making it 3 solos total) take solos in the second spot. As on the "Roxy" release, we get the drum/percussion duet, followed by the composed ending. Unfortunately, Frank does not entertain us with his "Watch Ruth!" commands in the middle of the song.

1973 (Oct-Dec): Essentially performed as on "Roxy and Elsewhere", with the standard deviation coming in Bruce's, George's, and the occasional Frank solos. After George's solo, we get the drum/percussion workout, which, as on the above album, is followed by some improvised musical weirdness. Frank conducts the band through a variety of themes, before eventually leading them into the closing theme, performed as on the album.

1974 (Feb-Mar): Essentially performed as on "Roxy and Elsewhere", accounting for obvious differences in instrumentation, and with the standard deviation coming in the short but funky solos. Also, Ruth is again the victim of Frank's wit, being pointed out and drawn attention to during each performance, much to her dismay as I have read.

1974 (Apr-May): Essentially performed as on "Roxy and Elsewhere", with the standard deviation coming in Bruce's show stopping solo, and Duke's "he ain't Bruce but he's good nonetheless" keyboard solo.

1974 (Jun-Dec): Played as on YCDTOSA Volume II. The part where Frank says "Watch Ruth" changed nightly, and would include a different joke about or referring to Ruth. My favorite is from 11/17/74 ["Ladies and Gentleman, watch Ruth. All through the show... Ruth has been thinking...Ruth has been thinking!... All through the show!... All through the show Ruth has been thinking!!"]

1975: Essentially performed as on YCDTOSA Volume II, allowing for obvious differences in instrumentation, and with the standard deviation coming in the solos. Fowler, of course, gets to take his standard "how-does-he-do-that?" solo, with the Captain possibly managing to one-up the trombone master with a wonderfully bizarre alto sax solo. For the thrilling conclusion, we get a Bozzio drum workshop, which bring us into the next song.


  Binghamton, October 29, 1972 Durham, February 24, 1973 Sydney, July 8, 1973 August 1973 (Road Tapes, Venue #2, 2013) December 1973 (Roxy By Proxy, 2014) December 1973 (Roxy & Elsewhere, 1974; Zappa Records, 1992) September 1974 (YCDTOSA2, Rykodisc, 1988) Boston, April 27, 1975
Theme A 0:01-0:14 0:00-0:09 0:02-0:11          
Theme A (with stops)       0:00-0:17 0:00-0:17 0:00-0:17 0:00-0:14 0:00-0:17
Bridge #1       0:17-0:26 0:17-0:25 0:17-0:25 0:14-0:21 0:17-0:24
Theme B (including Be-Bop Tango quotation) 0:14-0:32 0:09-0:24 0:11-0:23 0:26-0:40 0:25-0:38 0:25-0:38 0:21-0:32 0:24-0:37
Theme A 0:32-0:45 0:24-0:34 0:23-0:32          
Theme A (with stops)       0:40-0:59 0:38-0:55 0:38-0:55 0:32-0:46 0:37-0:54
Bridge #2 (including Penguin In Bondage section)       0:59-1:24 0:55-1:19 0:55-1:17 0:46-1:06 0:54-1:15
Theme B (including Be-Bop Tango quotation) 0:45-1:05 0:34-0:51 0:32-0:47 1:24-1:39 1:19-1:32 1:17-1:30 1:06-1:17 1:15-1:27
Vamp #1 (solos) 1:05-5:44 0:51-14:34            
Vamp #2 (solos)     0:47-2:02 1:39-2:55 1:32-2:43 1:30-2:39 1:17-2:14 1:27-4:42
Theme A (with stops)     2:02...; 2:14-2:35 2:55-3:14 2:43-3:01 2:39-2:57 2:14-2:29  
Bridge #1       3:14-3:22 3:01-3:08 2:57-3:04 2:29-2:35  
Theme B (including Be-Bop Tango quotation)     2:35-2:50 3:22-3:36 3:08-3:22 3:04-3:17 2:35-2:45  
Theme A (with stops)     2:50-3:09 3:36-3:55 3:22-3:39 3:17-3:34 2:45-2:59  
Cue #1     3:09-3:15          
Bridge #2 (including Penguin In Bondage section)       3:55-4:20 3:39-4:03 3:34-3:57 2:59-3:18  
Theme B (including Be-Bop Tango quotation)     3:15-3:29 4:20-4:35 4:03-4:16 3:57-4:10 3:18-3:28  
Vamp #2 (solos)     3:29-6:01 4:35-7:09 4:16-5:28 4:10-5:21 3:28-4:26  
Drum Solo   14:34-18:52 6:01-6:37 7:09-8:38 5:28-6:59 5:21-6:57 4:26-4:56 4:42-7:46
Vamp #3 (guitar solo)           6:57-8:15    
Drum Solo           8:15-8:48    
Coda (part A) 5:44-6:03 18:52-19:12 6:37-6:55 8:38-8:56        
Coda (part B) 6:03-6:11 19:12-19:22 6:55-7:04 8:56-9:04        
Coda (part A) 6:11-6:33 19:22-19:47 7:04-7:32 9:04-9:51   8:48-9:28    


Conceptual Continuity

Things that the girl at the percussion set would do:


Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2023-11-16