Velvet Sunrise

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared

Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)


Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

This is cheesy, keyboard-led lounge music, mainly consisting of Brock's improvised lyrics and Frank telling road stories. The tune has a relaxed feel to it, beginning with Duke and Brock singing the lyrics, "The Velvet Sunrise". Brock then oversings some improvised lyrics, usually dealing with events on the road, followed by Frank narrating the latest road story. This tune essentially serves the purpose of giving Brock and Frank an opportunity to spin their ridiculous stories about life on the road, like they so frequently did on the Fall '74 tour.


Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2016-10-10