From: nospam[at] (Joachim Ott)
Subject: cp iii german *and* turkish dialogs translated to english
Date: 2000/07/07
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translation from turkish to german is by Andreas Mueller <>
and his colleague, both currently in Ankara, Turkey.

the bavarian "i" (pronounced ee) means "ich", which means "I" in englisch
the bavarian "a" (pronounced aaah) means "ein", which means "a" in english

in the turkish words, there are 2 characters which are not in my font:
the "\s," is a small "s" with a little hook at the bottom
the "\g^" is a small "g" with a ^ upside down on its top

(page sixteen)

ALI: I bin grad nei' kimma, und do hab i g'sehn, daß ...
     I just came in, and then I've seen that ...

STEFAN: Ah, Bayern raus!
        Umm, Bavarians outta here!

ALI: Versteh' kein Wort, I bin jetzt in dem Klavier herinna,
     und's klingt so komisch ...
     I don't understand a word, I'm in this piano now, and it sounds
     really funny ...

ALI: Da kimmt ma' scho rum in dies'm Klavier, gell?
     You really get around in this piano, right?

(page seventeen)

ALI: I ned, I ned! Wenn I red, red scho' bay'risch ...
     Not me, not me! When I talk, I talk bavarian ...

SVOBODA: Bevor ich hier herein gekommen bin, habe ich ein
         Pastrami Sandwich gegessen, das war tierisch gut ...
         Before I came in here, I ate a pastrami sandwich,
         it was awfully good ...

AKI: Gebt's ihm ein Pony, gebt's ihm doch ein Pony ...
     Get him a pony, get him a pony already ...

ALI: De payer? Ah, Ein Zahltelefon
               Ah, a payphone

HERMANN: Telefonkarte. Qualität und Sicherheit aus einer Hand.
         Phonecard. Quality and security from one hand (from
         the same company).

(page eighteen)

HERMANN: Wir sind Deutschlands Kommunikationsgesellschaft.
         We are Germany's Communication Company.

ALI: gestern waren wir frühstücken, mittagessen ...
     yesterday we were out for breakfast, lunch ...

HERMANN: 30 11 03 1 1 4 3 6. Qualität aus einer Hand ... Telekom.
                             Quality from one hand ... Telekom

(page nineteen)

STEFAN: Sonate, that's music
        Serenade, that's music

STEFAN: Mozart, Alter ... Mozart sach' ich, Alter
        Mozart, man ... I say Mozart, man

STEFAN: I like Mondschein Sonate
        I like Moonlight Sonata

ALI: Des klingt so grauenhaft, des mecht i fei nimmer hörn
     This sounds so awful, I don't wanna hear it anymore
     ("fei" is a filler unique to Bavarians, I don't think
      you can translate it into other languages, including german)

(page twenty-one)

ALI: Wo?

ALI: Ja! Kaffe war a scho guat, aba des is a Klavier...
     Yes. Coffee would be nice, but this is a piano ...

ALI: Ha, ha gördüm önce, sinemaya gittim ben
     Ha ha, ich habe diesen Film schon gesehen
     he he, I've already seen this movie

ALI: Bak, bu piyanonun içinde nereden sinema buldun sen?
     Schau, wo hast du dieses Kino, in diesem Klavier gefunden ?
     Well, where in this piano have you found this cinema?

ALI: Çocuklar, siz saatlerce kahveden bir\s,ey anlatiyorsunuz, ama burada
     ah, bunlarda acayip \s,arkilar söylüyolar... acayip de\g^ilmi?
     Ya\g^murda ba\s,liyor...
     Kinder, ihr erzaehlt uns etwas (Kaffeegeschwaetz), aber aber hier singen
     sie haertere Musik .... ist das nicht hart ?
     Es faengt an zu regnen ....
     Hey kids, that's blather, but here they sing harder music ...
     ain't that hard? It's starting to rain ...

ALI: Bence
     Ich denke auch so
     I think so, too

ALI: Bu pianonun içindebir, ... meyhane gibi bir\s,ey yapmak lâzim,
     yani, piano güzel bir\s,ey ama, ... bende seni hiç anlamyorum abi ...
     Das ist im Klavier, .... wir muessen ins Pub gehen, andererseits das
     Klavier ist eine gute Sache aber, ... ich verstehe dich nicht ...
     It's inside the piano, ... we gotta go to the pub, on the other hand
     the piano is a fine thing, but ... what's wrong with you ...

(page twenty-four)

ALI: Bu pianonun içinde bir meyhane olsa, bir kahve için oturpda, aziçik
     tavla oynasak nekadar güzel olur, de\g^ilmi abi?
     Sollte ein Pub im Klavier sein, welches nicht ist, wuerden wir Kaffe
     trinken, hoer auf, spiel einwenig Backgammon, das wird gut, oder nicht ?
     If there was a pub in the piano (which is not there), we would drink
     coffee (no shit), play some backgammon, that'd be nice, wouldn't it?

ALI: tabii ya, tabii, tabii ... eh, eh
     ja ja ja ja ..... eh eh eh :)
     yes, yes, yes, yes ... eh eh

ALI: Siz saatlerce, saatlerce konu\s,uyorsunuz burada, yani ... artik
     biktim burasindan, be! Oturup böyle bir\s,ey ...
     Du redest hier seit Stunden, das ist ... ich bin gelangweilt von hier,
     You've been talking for hours now, this is... I'm bored of this shit!

ALI: bir\s,ey bulsak da biz \s,imidi, yani
     Wenn wir nun etwas finden
     Now if we find something

ALI: sen söyleme
     erzaehle es nicht
     they don't say so

ALI: Des is a piano (multiple times repeated)
     This is a piano

(page twenty-five)

ALI: A piano ... des is a piano
     A piano ... this is a piano

ALI: Klavier

ALI: Das es kein Computer
     This ain't a computer

ALI: Das es kein Computer! I sag des so oft, bis die des merken, verstehst ...
     This ain't a computer! I'll repeat it until they'll realize it, got that

(page twenty-six)

ALI: Musik?

ALI: Musik? ... draussen, gell?
     Music? ... outside, right?

ALI: Ja, gell a Party, da is irgendwo a Party!
     Yes, a party, right, there's a party somewhere!

ALI: Naa, ned im Piano
     No, not in the piano

ALI: Nah, ned im P.P.
     No, not in the P.P. (the toilet)

ALI: Naa, ned im Piano, im Piano is keine Party
     No, not in the piano, there's no party in the piano