June 20, 2002
90 min.
Directed by Frank Scheffer
The way I conceived these films is um, I work in a way that uh, what I call principal transformation. I look at in my films always in the subject matter and I try to transform the method of the composer and the structure of the music, and the character of the music, into the structure and the style of the film.
And in the case of Frank I was very struck by the idea of conceptual continuity. As a matter of fact the two records in the beginning of his [...], which is We're Only In It For The Money and the other one is Lumpy Gravy. Lumpy Gravy is more experimental record and We're Only In It For The Money is more songs, with little, how you say that, [...] little transformations in between the [...] from song to song.
And as a matter of fact the first film that I did, The Present Day Composer Refuses To Die, to me was more like the experimental Lumpy Gravy record. [...] And this film I conceived more as We're Only In It For The Money, because I use the tracks as much as possible as if they were songs, so the sections of the film are songs, so to speak. That's the structure of the film.
And then of course the last one that I wanted to make but never succeeded—because the Frank Zappa: A Pioneer Of The Future Of Music is an in between step. These are two TV versions that is not, not like I envisioned the last film. Because the last film, Phase Three, which is his last record, last CD, Civilization Phaze III, in which he uses a lot of Synclavier and electronic transformations. So, to me this one [Phase Two] is more like We're Only In It For The Money, from the structure point of view.
[...] As a matter of fact I used very limited amount [of archive material] because Gail would gave me very limited amount, it's like the tip of the iceberg. I really saw material that was amazing, already '65, '66 that he shot himself in 16mm film. I still hope in the future I can finish the project.
It's the second part in a series of 3, by Frank Scheffer. 1st part was aired on Dutch television, and can be found on WinMx.
This part (Phase II), was shown in Dutch cinema's. It's beautifull. Has Denney Walley cruising in Lancaster, past FZ's house. He also plays 'Suicide Chump', in a field at the border of Lancaster, near FZ's house., etcetera.
(Preview of a "work in process")Ever seen Frank Zappa without facial hair? Join us for a compelling new video documentary by Frank Scheffer for Dutch television station VPRO—a comprehensive overview of Frank Zappa's unique achievements, peppered with mesmerizing historical footage. Performances by the Ensemble Modern and the Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra, statements by Frank Zappa himself, Edgar Varèse, Pierre Boulez, Captain Beefheart, Ian Underwood, George Duke, Haskell Wexler, and Gail & Dweezil Zappa. Directed by Frank Scheffer. (2002) 90m
First Showing in the U.S.Gail Zappa (Frank's widow) will appear in person
and answer questions.
Highly-insightful and entertaining clips and rare footage were spliced in, most notably four or five brief interviews with Zappa and a television appearance in which he had no facial hair. [...]
In addition, several interviews with ex-members of his band gave insight on what it was like to work with such a prolific and unique composer. A powerful man with a visionary mind, he pushed the limits of musician's abilities into realms they initially refused to consider exploring. [...]
The rest of film featured self-indulgent clips that went off on artistic tangents, spending far too long featuring the works of composers such as Edgar Varese, and an abundance of film footage of gas stations and strip malls. Too many clips of well-known stock footage, too. Interviews with people you've probably never heard of provided comic relief but were too irrelevant to make me feel that those 90 minutes were well spent. Kinda like a big bag of gourmet jelly beans. I can appreciate the fact that someone worked so hard and put so much effort into presenting a movie about one of the greatest composers who ever lived—but like most tributes, it fell short of the mark.
Frank Zappa:
Phase II—The big note
Frank SchefferTe zien in DocuZone
vanaf 20 juni.Scheffers nieuwste film gaat over de veelzijdige componist, muzikant, zanger en tekstschrijver FRANK ZAPPA (1940-1993). Het is een impressionistisch portret van de duizendpoot die met groot gemak verschillende muziekstijlen tot een eigenzinnige cocktail mengde. Zappa onderzocht, lange tijd als leider van de formatie The Mothers of Invention, de grenzen tussen pop, jazz en klassiek.
Het eerste deel van de film ging in 2000 in première onder de titel The present day composer refuses to die. Hierin worden interviews met de weduwe Gail Zappa en zoon Dweezil en enkele muzikanten vermengd met muziek, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het avantgarde karakter van de Zappa's composities.
Voor Frank Zappa: Phase II—The big note, kortweg 'Zappa', maakte Scheffer dit voorjaar in Los Angeles de laatste opnamen. In deze director's cut besteedt hij aandacht aan Zappa's experimentele road movie 200 Motels en diens vriendschap met Captain Beefheart. De film bevat uniek beeldmateriaal over de tournee van 'The Grand Wazoo', dat trompettist Malcolm McNabb uit zijn privéarchief heeft opgediept.
Frank Zappa: Phase II—the big note
Nederland 2002, ± 90 min.Regie en scenario: Frank Scheffer
Producent: Frank Scheffer voor Allegri Film
Camera: Melle van Essen, Rene van der Eijk
Geluid: Wib Nelissen, Harold Jalving
Montage: Riekje Ziengs
Muziek: Frank Zappa e.a.Google Translate:
Frank Zappa:
Phase II-The big note
Frank SchefferTo be seen in DocuZone
Starting June 20th.Scheffers newest film is about the versatile composer, musician, singer and writer FRANK ZAPPA (1940-1993). It's an impressionist portrait of the thousandpoot that mixes various musical styles with great ease into a quirky cocktail. Zappa investigated, for a long time as leader of the formation The Mothers of Invention, the boundaries between pop, jazz and classics.
The first part of the film was premiered in 2000 under the title The present day composer refuses to die. In this interview, interviews with the widow Gail Zappa and son Dweezil and some musicians are mixed with music, emphasizing the avant-garde character of Zappa's compositions.
For Frank Zappa: Phase II-The big note, shortly 'Zappa', Scheffer made this last release in Los Angeles this spring. In this director's cut he focuses on Zappa's experimental road movie 200 Motels and his friendship with Captain Beefheart. The film contains unique footage about the tour of 'The Grand Wazoo', which trumpeter Malcolm McNabb has thrown out of his private archive.
Frank Zappa: Phase II-the big note
The Netherlands 2002, ± 90 min.Direction and scenario: Frank Scheffer
Producer: Frank Scheffer for Allegri Film
Camera: Melle van Essen, Rene van der Eijk
Sound: Wib Nelissen, Harold Jalving
Installation: Riekje Ziengs
Music: Frank Zappa et al.
Additional informants: James Lacey
Maintained by Román García Albertos