Random Pictures Of The Mothers Of Invention—1965-1966

The Mothers with Henry Vestine


Outside the Whisky à Go-Go

Photographer: George Rodriguez

Mystery Disc (1998) booklet, p. 17

Mystery Disc
(in front of lhe Whiskey a GoGo, Hollywood) Roy Estrada, FZ, Henry Vestine, Ray Collins, Jim Black

The Mothers
[Roy Estrada, FZ, Henry Vestine, Ray Collins, JCB]

Cache Agency

The Mothers
Frank Zappa & the Mothers—Hollywood, CA—circa 1966 (Photo by George Rodriguez/Cache Agency) [Roy Estrada, FZ, Henry Vestine, Ray Collins, JCB]

Joe's Corsage (2004) booklet

Joe's Corsage
[Ray Collins, FZ, Roy Estrada, JCB, Henry Vestine]

Rockaway auction

The Mothers

Inside the Whisky à Go-Go #1

Photographer: George Rodriguez

Joe's Corsage (2004) booklet

Joe's Corsage Joe's Corsage

Joe's Corsage

The MOFO Project/Object (Fazedooh) (2006) booklet, p. 8, 17

MOFO (fazedooh) MOFO (fazedooh)

Javier Marcote, March 4-5, 2015

George Rodríguez has confirmed me that he was the author of these photos.

Inside the Whisky à Go-Go #2

KFWB/98 Hitline, December 8, 1965

KFWB/98 Hitline
THE MOTHERS serenade "plastic people" every night at Whisky A Go Go. They are (l-r) Ray Collins, Henry Vestine, Frank Zappa and Roy Estrada.

Unidentified sources

The Mothers
[Ray Collins, FZ, Roy Estrada]

The Mothers
[Henry Vestine, Ray Collins, FZ, Roy Estrada]

"Corsage" Session

Joe's Corsage (2004)

Joe's Corsage

KFWB/98 Hitline, December 8, 1965

KFWB/98 Hitline
MOTHER REB FOSTER is initiated into The Mothers by Cherokee Jim Black (l), Frank Zappa and Roy Estrada.


The Mothers (Of Invention) with Elliot Ingber

c. February 1966—Freak Out! cover session

March 12, 1966—T.T.G. Recording Session

c. April 1966—The Mothers

Negatives and prints from Herb Cohen's personal collection, auctioned by Rockawayrecords

The Mothers
[Ray Collins, FZ, JCB, Roy Estrada, Elliot Ingber]


c. April-May 1966—The Mothers

Negatives and prints from Herb Cohen's personal collection, auctioned by Rockawayrecords

The Mothers
[clockwise: FZ, Ray Collins, JCB, Roy Estrada, Elliot Ingber]


c. May 1966—Sausalito, CA

Boat Session

Credited to Ray Leong on The Beat, March 25, 1967

The Mothers

The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 38


The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 23


Carousel Session

Credited to Ray Leong on Open City, December 22-28, 1967

The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 57


Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

Ice Cream Session

Credited to Ray Leong on Open City, December 22-28, 1967

Mystery Disc (1998) booklet, p. 10-11

Mystery Disc

The MOFO Project/Object (Fazedooh) (2006) booklet, p. 24

MOFO (fazedooh)

Musician, February 1994, p. 21

Photograph by Michael Ochs Archives

Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

Unknown source

The Mothers
[FZ, unknown child, Elliot Ingber, Ray Collins, JCB, Roy Estrada]

Hit Parader, June 1967, p. 45


Hit Parader, August 1967, p. 61


Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 22


Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 23
Javier Marcote, July 15, 2013

The "ice cream" photos of the Mothers were also taken by Ray Leong.

bubonic, Zappa.com, January 26, 2004

I have a Set of 6 Public relations images taken to promote Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, taken during the Freak Out Album Period. New prints from negatives. Shot in 1966 in Sausalito, Ca. by Ray Leong.

Crane Session

Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966, p. 9

LA Free Press

The MOFO Project/Object (Fazedooh) (2006) booklet, p. 25

MOFO (fazedooh)

Hit Parader, June 1967, p. 45


The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 56



1966—The Mothers live

Photo by Ray Leong

Rockaway.com (via Al Fresco, Zappateers, September 24, 2011)

The Mothers

Informants: Javier Marcote

1966—Les Poosch Session

Credited to Les Poosch in Experience #7

[Carl Franzoni, JCB, FZ, Roy Estrada, Ray Collins, Elliot Ingber]

Mystery Disc (1998) booklet, p. 14

Mystery Disc
Carl Franzoni (MOIaux), Jim Black, FZ, Roy Estrada, Ray ColIins, Elliot Ingber


1966—Claudia Cardinale Session

Credited to Richard Avedon in Epoca, July 1967

The Mothers & Claudia Cardinale
[Carl Franzoni, Claudia Cardinale, Elliot Ingber, FZ]

Ten Years On The Road With Frank Zappa And The Mothers Of Invention, p. 8-9

Ten Years On The Road
Far left, in wild west boots and crazy pants, Claudia Cardinale poses with the M.O.I. for The London Times.

Mystery Disc (1998) booklet, p. 14-15

Mystery Disc
(Italian glamour magazine) Carl Franzoni (MOIaux), Claudia Cardinale, Elliot Ingber, FZ

The MOFO Project/Object (2006) booklet, p. 61


Vikan, Iceland, September 7, 1967


FZ & Claudia Cardinale
[Claudia Cardinale, FZ]

Cavalier, October 1967

Claudia Cardinale & FZ


1966—8404 Kirkwood—European magazine session

Speak Up Magazine #58, Brazil, January 1992, p. 40

[Elliot Ingber, girl #1 (unidentified), GZ, FZ, Claudia Salter, JCB, girl #3 (unidentified)]

Playboy, Spain, August 1993


Claudia Chase-Bryce, April 28-29, 2016

I was sitting next to Jim Black, whom I was dating at the time—I was 17. My name then was Claudia Salter.

[...] I wish I could tell you who the other girls are, however I did not know them. I was dating Jim at that time—he had picked me up and said we were stopping by Frank's because there was a photographer there that was going to be taking pictures for a European magazine. I was just hanging back, then Frank said, "Claudia, come get in the pictures."

Various sources

[Elliot Ingber, girl #1 (unidentified), Claudia Salter, FZ, JCB, girl #3 (unidentified)]

[Elliot Ingber, girl #1 (unidentified), GZ, FZ, JCB, girl #3 (unidentified)]

Bild #41, Sweden, 1967


Bravo, Germany, May 22, 1967

[Elliot Ingber, girl #1 (unidentified), GZ, FZ, Claudia Salter, JCB, girl #3 (unidentified)]

[girl #1 (unidentified), FZ]

Orquesta Románticos de Cuba, Temas de películas. Rebelión en las aulas (LP, Zafiro ZV-584, Spain, 1971)

Temas de películas
[girl #1 (unidentified), FZ]

EFE Agency, Spain

[girl #1 (unidentified), FZ]

[JCB, girl #3 (unidentified), FZ]

[Ray Collins, JCB, Roy Estrada, FZ]

[Elliot Ingber, Claudia Salter, girl #1 (unidentified), FZ, JCB, girl #3 (unidentified)]

unknown date, Il Borghese, Milan

Il Borghese
[unidentified hand with 12-string guitar (probably Ray Collins), Elliot Ingber, FZ, Claudia Salter, JCB, girl #3 (unidentified), Carl Franzoni, Roy Estrada]

Informants: Javier Marcote, Claudia Chase-Bryce

1966—The Mothers at the Whisky à Go Go

Bravo, Germany, May 22, 1967

[Ray Collins, FZ, JCB, Elliot Ingber]

Keystone Pressedienst

Keystone Pressedienst

Der Neue Hörberater #43, Summer, 1970

Der Neue Hörberater

Informants: Javier Marcote, J.

August 1966—Alain Dister Session

By Alain Dister, August 1966

The Mothers
[Elliot Ingber, Ray Collins, Roy Estrada, Carl Franzoni, JCB, FZ]

Alain Dister, Frank Zappa y The Mothers Of Invention, Editorial Júcar, Madrid, 1980, p. 10

Era hacia el quince de agosto de 1966. El lugar escogido para las fotos les venía a la medida a los personajes: un viejo caserón de los años 20, que había servido de morada a Rodolfo Valentino, todo de estuco y de falsas lianas.

Google Translate:

It was around August 15, 1966. The place chosen for the photos suited the characters: an old mansion from the 1920s, which had served as a home for Rudolph Valentino, all stucco and fake lianas.

Javier Marcote, March 13, 2022

I think I found [where] The Mothers are placed in the photo taken by Alain Dister.

1328 N Formosa Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046

1328 N Formosa Ave

The MOFO Project/Object (Fazedooh) (2006) booklet, p. 10

MOFO (fazedooh)

The Mothers
[FZ, Elliot Ingber, Carl Franzoni, JCB, Ray Collins, Roy Estrada]

Aunt Jemima's Freak Family Album, p. 1

Aunt Jemima's Freak Family Album
Frontcover picture by Alain Dister: Hollywood 66
FZ, Carl Franzoni, Jim Black, Roy Estrada, Elliot Ingber, Ray Collins


The Mothers
[Elliot Ingber, Ray Collins, Roy Estrada, Carl Franzoni, JCB, FZ]

Shooting Star—Celebrity Photo Syndication

Shooting Star
Dister—Mothers of Invention a 08/1966


The Mothers
[FZ, Elliot Ingber, Roy Estrada, Carl Franzoni]

Aunt Jemima's Freak Family Album, p. 4

Aunt Jemima's Freak Family Album
Hollywood, August 1966 (Alain Dister) [JCB, Roy Estrada, Carl Franzoni, Elliot Ingber, FZ, Ray Collins]


The Mothers
[FZ, JCB, Carl Franzoni, Roy Estrada, Ray Collins, Elliot Ingber]

The Mothers
[Carl Franzoni, FZ, JCB, Elliot Ingber, Roy Estrada, Ray Collins]

[Carl Franzoni, FZ, JCB, Elliot Ingber, Roy Estrada, Ray Collins]

Aunt Jemima's Freak Family Album, p. 5

Aunt Jemima's Freak Family Album
Hollywood, August 1966 (Alain Dister) [Carl Franzoni, FZ, JCB, Elliot Ingber, Roy Estrada, Ray Collins]




The Mothers Of Invention with Del Kacher

c. September 1966—The Whisky à Go-Go

Whisky à Go-Go
[(Motorhead sit in the audience?), Roy Estrada, JCB, Del Kacher, Billy Mundi, FZ, Ray Collins]

Teen Magazine, January 1967

Teen Magazine
By Earl Leaf
[Carl Franzoni, girl #4 (unidentified); Roy Estrada, girl #5 (unidentified), Del Kacher, FZ]


September 17, 1966—Shrine Exposition Hall, LA, CA

Shrine Exposition Hall, September 17, 1966 Shrine Exposition Hall, September 17, 1966

Los Angeles Free Press, September 1966

Shrine Exposition Hall

Pictures by Earl Leaf

The Mothers by Earl Leaf The Mothers by Earl Leaf

c. September 1966—TTG Studios, LA

Al Fresco, Zappateers, February 23, 2015

The Mothers Of Invention
[Del Kacher, JCB, Roy Estrada, FZ, Ray Collins, Billy Mundi, Don Preston]

The Mothers Of Invention
[Del Kacher, JCB, Roy Estrada, FZ, Carl Franzoni (down in front), Ray Collins, Billy Mundi, Don Preston]

Del Casher, to Javier Marcote, February 13, 2015

Yes these photos were all at TTG Studios in Hollywood on Highland Ave around .July or Aug 1966.

Frank set up the smoke machine as we freaked out so some pics are fuzzy but a few are very clear before the smoke machine started.

[...] TTG had one large studio upstairs where this took place because we needed room for the TV cameras crew etc. They had smaller studios on the main floor for the combo rock sessions..


Probably c. September 1966—unknown date and venue

Al Fresco, Zappateers, March 10, 2011

Recently Rockaway Records sold some pics at ebay that belonged to Herb Cohen

[Ray Collins, JCB, probably Del Kacher's guitar, FZ, Billy Mundi, Don Preston]

[JCB, probably Del Kacher's guitar, Roy Estrada, Billy Mundi, Ray Collins, probably another Del Kacher's guitar, FZ, Don Preston]



Special thanks to Javier Marcote.

Research, compilation and maintenance by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2025-03-22