Ach du lieber Augustine

(German Folksong, 18th Century)

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



Marc De Bruyn (, August 31, 2003

"Ach du lieber Augustine" originated in Vienna during the Plague period of 1768-1769. Legend has it that one evening, Augustin hoisted one too many and decided on a nap half way home. The morning corpse patrol threw his body on the cart with the other corpses and took him away. Fortunately Augustin awoke in the nick of time, to the horror of the mortician. In no time at all, the rumor spread far and wide that wine was not only a cure but also a great prophylactic for the plague.

"Ach du lieber Augustine" features in the movie "Nothing Sacred" (1937), starring Frederic March and Carole Lombard (also featured in the film is "Yankee Doodle"). The "Looney Tunes" episode "Bosko in Dutch" (released January 14, 1933), has "Ach du lieber Augustine", better known to school kids as "Hail to the Bus Driver Man", on the soundtrack.

"Ach, du lieber Augustin, Augustin, Augustin, ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! Geld ist hin, Mädl ist hin, alles ist hin, Augustin! Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! Rock ist weg, Stock ist weg, Augustin liegt im Dreck. Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! Und selbst das reiche Wien, hin ist's wie Augustin; weint mit mir im gleichen Sinn, alles ist hin! Jeder Tag war ein Fest, jetzt haben wir die Pest! Nur ein großes Leichenfest, das ist der Rest. Augustin, Augustin, leg' nur ins Grab dich hin! Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin!"

"O, my dear friend Augustin, Augustin, Augustin, O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win! Money's gone, girlfriend's gone, I just can't win, Augustin! O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win! Coat is gone, staff is gone, Augustin's on his bum. O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win! Even that rich town Wien, broke is like Augustin; shed tears with thoughts akin, I just can't win! Every day was a fest, now we just have the pest! Now all the corpses rest, that is the rest. Augustin, Augustin, lay down in your coffin! O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win!"



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This page updated: 2022-07-20