Eat That Question

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1973: This is another tune that is sadly played only a couple of times before inexplicably being thrown by the wayside. It is essentially performed as on "The Grand Wazoo", allowing for obvious differences in instrumentation, and with the standard deviation coming in Frank's and George's solos. A particularly noteworthy performance comes along on 5/9, when during his "Big Swifty" solo, Frank tears into "Eat That Question", leading the band into a full-blown and energetically performed version of this tune. Easily, this qualifies as one of the better moments of the tour.

1974: Another treat brought to us by the end of the tour. The last song played on the last day of the "official" tour. I have yet to hear this, so I cannot really descibe it, and unfortunately, those of you who have heard it probably cannot describe it either as I heard the tape sounds horrible. But anyone who attempts to do so will win Bronco's new "Bondage in a Bottle". [Jon Naurin wins, with this lil' bit of info- "Cleveland 12/1/74: was very curious to hear what "Eat that Question" would sound like. Much to my disappointment, Montana led into the usual finger-cymbal jam, which went on while the tape was running out. Then, suddenly, the band steers into the Eat that Question riff, majestetic as always. After 50 secs, just when FZ is about to start soloing, the tape ends. And I'm left in frustration."]

1988: Essentially performed as on MAJNH, which sadly is only the introduction and main theme of this long-forgotten "Grand Wazoo" classic. This song is always followed by "Black Napkins", though not vice-versa.



Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2023-01-05