Pick Me, I'm Clean

FZ album(s) in which song has appeared


Tour(s) on which song is known to have been performed (main source: FZShows, v. 7.1)



Foggy G, "The Songs That Were Played," We're Only In It For The Touring

1980 Mar-Jul: Essentially performed as on "Tinseltown Rebellion", allowing for obvious differences in instrumentation, and with the standard deviation coming in Frank's solo. This is another of those songs that I wish saw more time in the '80's, especially since it consistently provided some exceptional Frank guitar solos.

1980 Oct-Dec: Essentially performed as on "Tinseltown Rebellion", with the standard deviation coming in Frank's frequently ferocious and oft-overlooked solo. Towards the end of the tour, this tune evolved into a Mini-Monster, with the "Torture" sound effects accompanying Frank's solo (i.e. the moaning girl), a little extra Barrow action, and even some Wagner just to be safe. One of the continual highlights of the tour, regardless of what stage in the tour it appeared, and another of the 1980 tunes that should have been played more frequently ( the '88 performances are a disappointment to me- anyone else?). {Patrick Buzby has a bit more to add: "The versions from the first month of the spring '80 tour have a ballad feel much different from the released version—an interesting alternative. In May, it changed to a more upbeat version and FZ added the "Check out my bandaid!" line in the chorus. It continued this way until somewhere around November, when FZ made it even slower than it was originally (though without the ballad feel) and added the monkey business you describe. The Tinseltown version starts with arrangement #3 and cuts to arrangement #2 (thus the jump in tempo at "Vinnie goes bareback")".]

1988: As Frank starts to slightly mix things up in the waning days of the European tour, he resurrects this long-ignored classic and shows it the light of day for the first time since 1980. It is essentially performed as on "Tinseltown Rebellion", with a minor difference in that Frank threw one of the early '80 "ballad" sections into the arrangement. Unfortunately, he fails to relive the guitar glories of the song's earlier tour of duty, leaving us with some rather bland solos. Yes, the song is nice to hear, but does not instill the fear into our hearts like it did four tours earlier.


Conceptual Continuity


Site maintained by Román García Albertos
This page updated: 2023-03-05